Interesting Facts about Web and Technology
Emails and Spam Facts:
• 60 billion emails are sent daily, 97% of which are spam.
• Spam generates 33bn KWt-hours of energy every year, enough to power 2.4 million homes, producing 17 million tons of CO2.
• 9 out of every 1,000 computers are infected with spam.
• Spammer get 1 response to every 12 million emails they send (yet it still makes them a small profit).
Social Media:
• A “twillionaire” is a twitterer with a million or more followers.
• There are some 1 billion computers in use.
• There are some 2 billion TV sets in use.
• Facebook has 500 million registered users… and still about 100 million less than QQ – a Chinese social media portal.
• About 20% of the videos on YouTube are music related.
• 24 hours of video viewing is uploaded every minute on YouTube.
• People view 15 billion videos online every month.
• On average, US onliners view 100 videos per month each.
• Flickr hosts some 5 billion photographs, Facebook hosts more than 15 billion.
Gadgets & Technology:
• The first public cell phone call was made on April 3, 1973 by Martin Cooper.
• The Motorola DynaTAC 8000X was the first cell phone sold in the US; launched on April 11, 1984, it was designed by Rudy Krolopp and weighed 2 pounds.
• There are more than 4 billion cell phones in use. About 3 million cell phones are sold every day.
• The first known cell phone virus, Cabir.A, appeared in 2004.
• Since 2008, video games have outsold movie DVDs.
Search Engines, Internet and Energy:
• Amazon now sells more e-books than printed books.
• About 1.8 billion people connect to the Internet, only 450 million of them speak English.
• Google indexed it’s 1 trillionth unique URL on July 25, 2008. That is thought to be about 20% of all the pages on the Internet but a high percentage of the World Wide Web (the public Internet).
• One Google search produces about 0.2g of CO2. But since you hardly get an answer from one search, a typical search session produces about the same amount of CO2 as does boiling a tea kettle.
• Google handles about 1 billion search queries per day, releasing some 200 tons of CO2 per day.
• The average US household uses 10.6 megawatt-hours (MWh) electricity per year.
• Google uses an estimated 15 billion kWh of electricity per year, more than most countries. However, google generates a lot of their own power with their solar panels.
Information Technology:
• IBM celebrated 100 years in business in 2011 in honor of the formation of the core predecessor companies that would become International Business Machines under one combined umbrella in 1911.
• n 1981, IBM started the PC revolution with the introduction of the IBM 5150, a compact personal computer that smoked mainframe processing and came at a price tag of under $1,600.
• IBM invests $6 billion a year on research.
• Microsoft was originally named Micro-Soft. They dropped the dash in 1976.
• Microsoft total revenue in its 1st year: $16,000
• IT companies continuously register new patents. Here is the list of top 10 patent Leaders for 2010:
1. IBM 5,896
2. Samsung 4,551
3. Microsoft 3.094
4. Canon 2,552
5. Panasonic 2,482
6. Toshiba 2,246
7. Sony 2,150
8. Intel 1,653
9. LG Electronics 1,490
10 H-P 1,480
Easter Eggs:
No, not the edible colored kind. An Easter Egg is a term that refers to an un documented feature or novelty that is in a program that the makers of that program placed in the program for additional fun and credits. Easter Eggs are in no way destructive to any software or hardware within the computer and are usually meant for something unique and fun. The irst ever Easter egg took place on the Atari 2600 way back in 1980, when Atari programmer Warren Robinett set about making a video game version of the original text Adventure. The idea of hidden gems took off and there were more to come in other venues. Here are just couple of Easter Eggs examples.
• Google “tilt”
• Google “do a barrel roll”
• If for any reason or purpose (or just for this easter egg), you still own a copy of Microsoft Excel 97 , then you’ll get a kick of a Flight Simulator:
o Excel 97 Flight Sim – (Note you must have Direct draw installed for this Flight Sim with Credits to work) In a blank worksheet, press F5. Type X97:L97 and press enter, press the Tab key once. Press and hold the Ctrl + Shift keys and click the Chart Wizard toolbar button, To fly, press your hold right to go forward/faster forward, or press and hold the left to backwards or to slow down.
I hope you had fun reading this article!