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Suid-Afrikaanse Diamantprodusenteorganisasie is ‘n organisasie wat gestig is met die uitsluitlike doel om die delwersbedryf meer vaartbelyn te maak.

Suid-Afrikaanse Diamantprodusenteorganisasie

SADPO is ‘n organisasie wat gestig is met die uitsluitlike doel om die delwersbedryf meer vaartbelyn te maak. Om hierdie doel te bereik, moet die Organisasie saamwerk met ander instansies om sodoende die delwersindustrie in die breë te dien.

SADPO lidmaatskap bestaan uit delwers wat hul diamante bemark deur geaffilieerde tenderhuise, enige persoon wat grond besit waarop gedelf word en waarvan die diamante deur die betrokke tenderhuise bemark word, sosiale lede wat hulself met die industrie wil vereenselwig en erelede wat deur die Organisasie gewerf mag word.

SADPO is an organisation to streamline the diamond diggers industry. To attain this goal, the organisation must work in collaboration with other structures to serve the diamond diggers industry in the broadest sense. SADPO’s membership consists of diggers whose diamonds are marketed through the affiliated trading houses, any landowner where digging operations are performed and where the diamonds are marketed through the affiliated trading houses, social members who wish to identify and associate themselves with the diamond industry, and honorary members invited by SADPO.


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The Client

SADPO is an organisation to streamline the diamond diggers industry. To attain this goal, the organisation must work in collaboration with other structures to serve the diamond diggers industry in the broadest sense.
